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Strategic Plan

Current Plan

Read the current edition of our 2018-2028 Strategic Plan to explore our longterm aspirations and what we WILL DO in the current year, what we MAY DO in the current or future years, and what we HAVE DONE in past years in order to achieve those aspirations. Strategic Tree


In November 2006, the Board of Trustees of the International School of Monterey officially launched a strategic planning process that targeted a finished product in 15 months. The Strategic Planning Committee of the Board created an initial planning document in December 2006 to provide structure for the process. Over the course of the 15 months, the committee continually revised the document, morphing it from a planning document to a final plan. The board approved the original strategic plan at its January 26, 2008 annual retreat.

The ISM strategic plan has continued to evolve through the years. The initial 2008-2012 plan focused on where the school would go in the next five years, and specified actionable and assessable priorities for the first year of the plan. Through the 2016-2017 school year, the Strategic Planning Committee of the ISM Board reconvened a Strategic Advisory Team each fall to do two things: 1) determine whether or not the strategic commitments and strategic outcomes in the plan needed revision before extending the life of the plan one more year; 2) set out new strategic focus areas for the ensuing year. (NOTE: Through fall 2010, the Strategic Advisory Team set out new priorities for the ensuing year rather than one-year focus areas.) The Board, Committee, and Team solicited input from the entire ISM Community via email, surveys, and open meetings. Thus, the strategic plan remained a living plan, always looking five years out while specifying immediate strategic focus areas. 

In 2017-2018, the ISM Board of Trustees requested that the revision process extend the scope of the strategic plan to 10 years, and to make it more aspirational in nature. The Strategic Advisory Team responded by drafting a completely revised 2018-2028 Strategic Plan that gets updated annually. The plan focuses on five aspirations, specifying what we WILL DO and MAY DO to move toward those aspirations, while also logging what we HAVE DONE in prior years. Meanwhile, the old strategic plan content, including strategic goals and outcomes, was integrated into the state-required Local Control & Accountability Plan (LCAP), also updated annually.


ISM publishes the current version of the strategic plan each spring here on the website following approval by the Board. The school also publishes and promotes mechanisms for stakeholders to get involved both in ongoing planning and in action around both the strategic plan and the LCAP. If you are interested, email us anytime to find out how you can get involved.