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Diversity & Belonging



At the International School of Monterey, our mission — to educate all children toward becoming conscientious, compassionate, and responsible citizens of the world — inspires us to create a better future. Justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion are values that guide our work with staff, students, families, and the community toward a culture of belonging.


Our vision is a world of understanding. The need for more understanding — across borders, cultures, races, socioeconomic classes, religions, genders, sexualities, physical and cognitive abilities, and other differences — has never been greater. ISM is committed to fostering this culture of belonging which deepens cultural competence, appreciation, and empathy for all. 


The world’s future is in our children’s hands. We create academic support for students to think freely, listen critically, believe in themselves, develop their potential, respect and support others, practice empathy, advocate for all, and connect with the world.


We are an IB World School, where multiculturalism is both a defining characteristic and our greatest strength. Our inclusive approach to education strives to remove or reduce barriers so that every student can fully participate. Inclusive education happens in “a culture of collaboration, mutual respect, support, and problem-solving involving the whole school community.”


Students came up with ISM’s motto, and we believe it is at the heart of our JEDI commitment: The world is our home. We will make it better.



Definition of Terms:

  • Justice: Eliminating barriers to resources and opportunities in the school community so that all students can have a valid and fair educational experience. (Please view this website for an in-depth explanation of the difference between equality/ equity/ justice)


  • Equity: Distributing resources and support to ensure that every student has access to the same opportunities and resources they need to succeed, acknowledging and addressing existing advantages and disadvantages.


  • Diversity: Recognizing and embracing the various differences among students, including their backgrounds, cultures, abilities, and experiences, which can contribute to a richer and more inclusive learning environment.


  • Inclusion: Creating a welcoming and accepting school culture that values and respects the voices, perspectives, and unique identities of all students, particularly those who face additional barriers, in order to foster a sense of belonging and full participation.